Worldwide Novelty in Bone Replacement
Orthosera is a company based in the city Győr that uses a bone graft obtained from a living donor to promote synostosis. BoneAlbumin is a material that is produced during the fusion of granules made of human femur and albumin. Human body absorbs this easier than those bone-substitute ones that are produced from artificial materials, as it is “more identical” to the body’s own bone tissue. This special substance stimulates the function of bone-marrow stem cells and bone-building cells; due to its antibacterial feature, it reduces the risk of inflammation or infection and it eases the pain as well. Besides, the imbibition of the implanted transplanted tissue and the reconstitution of the newly formed bone are realized simultaneously.
BoneAlbum is produced by the Western Hungary Regional Tissue Bank belonging to Petz Aladár County Teaching Hospital in Győr.
More information about the company: Othosera-Dental

About Bone Replacement